Melting technology and Novel alloys
Post Time:2012-07-06 09:34:57     Author:MLSH     Click:[]


Based on its expertise in liquid-solid structures and properties of metals, this group is engaged in developing melting and melt-treating technologies of alloys, solidification theories and technologies, new master alloys, high peformance metallic composites, functional materials, boride materials and nanomaterials. The group has close relationships with industry,and emphasizes on the unification ofindustry (applications), teaching and research (ITR).


刘相法教授( 熔体技术,特种中间合金,凝固组织微细化与材料强化

Prof.Xiangfa Liu Melting technology, novel master alloys, grain refining ad strengthening of materials

于化顺教授( 铸造合金及其复合材料

Prof. Huashun Yu Cast alloys and metal matrix composites

闵光辉教授( 镁合金准晶材料与硼化物材料

Prof. Guanghui Min Quasicrystal, Magnesium alloys and boride materials

教授( 纳米及非晶材料与模拟技术

Prof.Hui Li Nanomaterials, Amorphous materials and simulation


Prof. Xiufang BianPurification of Al metls, Metallic glass

武玉英副教授( 金属材料强韧化的多尺度结构设计

Dr.Yuying Wu Multi-scale design on strengthening and toughening of metallic materials

Previous:Structure and Physical Properties of Materials at Liquid State Next:Porous Metal Materials and Their Interfacial Properties


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