发布时间:2018年03月20日 11:08   作者:学术部   点击:[]

一、报告题目:Development of Sodium Battery in National University of Singapore

、报告时间:2018年0323 下午2:30


、报告人:Lu Li, Professor, Dr.

、报告人简介:Lu Li received his B.Eng and M. Eng from Tsinghua University, China, and his Ph.D from the Katholiek Universiteit Leuven, Belgium. After four years of doctoral study and two years of post-doctoral work at the Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium. He joined the Department of Mechanical Engineering, National University of Singapore as a Research Scientist in 1991 and was promoted to Full Professor in 2004. Dr. Lu is the Deputy Head of department in charge of academic affair and Materials Science Laboratory Supervisor. He is heavily involved in the research of functional materials, mainly in two directions: (a) materials for Li-ion rechargeable batteries which include traditional bulk batteries and all-solid-state batteries, and for supercapacitors, and (b) piezoelectric and ferroelectric materials. He published more than 380 papers in international journals and move than 8 patents.Dr. Lu is the Editor-in-Chief of Functional Materials Letters (World Scientific Publisher),Associate Editor of Materials Technology particularly in charge of functional materials (Taylor & Francis Group), and member of Editorial Board of Scientific Report (Nature Publishers) in charge of energy storage materials.Dr. Lu is also Guest Professor of Zhejiang University and Peking University Postgraduate School Shenzhen, China and Honoria Professor, Queensland University, Australia.





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