发布时间:2017年10月19日 09:46   作者:学术部   点击:[]


Exhaustive consumption of fossil fuels, rapid growth of human population, and evolution of newly developed pharmaceuticals have lead to severe pollution of our environment. Although a lot of research efforts have been devoted by scientists, as well as environmentalists, environmental pollutions (waste gas, wastewater, and solid wastes) and energy technology are still challenges for the sustainability of the human race.  Catalyst design is one of the important aspects in materials development for environmental remediation. Three case studies will be given in this seminar, which correspond to the designing of the catalytic materials for wastewater oxidation, solid waste valorization, and “waste-to-fuel” technology.   In the wastewater oxidation process, the heterogeneous Fenton catalysts were synthesized, characterized, and evaluated for dyeing wastewater remediation.  It was found that iron-based MCM-41 catalysts were active in the oxidation process only in acidic environment. Introducing copper element (photo-Fenton-like processes), which is less pH-sensitive, into the iron-based catalysts remarkably elevated its oxidizing power at a wider pH ranges in the dyeing wastewater oxidation process.  The second part of the talk will emphasize on the transformation of the biomass valorization. A newly developed solid acid catalyst, MOF-based composite, was attempted for the xylose-to furfural transformation. It was found that nickel-based pseudo-MOF catalysts were catalytically active for such transformation, showing 60% of furfural yield in the repeated runs.  The third part of the talk will concentrate on the fabrication of different metallic frameworks and porous materials for various applications including hydrogen generation, low temperature catalysis and sulfur dioxide removal processes.

、报告时间:2017年10月20日 上午9:00


、报告人:Dr. Frank Leung-Yuk LAM

五、报告人简介:Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, The HKUST, Hong Kong





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版权所有:材料液固结构演变与加工教育部重点实验室 网站维护:材料学院研究生会
联系地址:山东大学千佛山校区西配楼 电话:88392525